A frozen Lake Moraine.
Read MoreFreshly fallen snow falling from a tree on the banks of Lake Louise
Freshly fallen snow falling from a tree on the banks of Lake Louise
A frozen Lake Moraine.
Read MoreTreasure Beach on the quiet southwest corner of Jamaica holds the Calabash Literary Festival every two years. This was my first trip to Jamaica. I went with my friend Rob who goes to Treasure Beach every year in July to run a clinic. He sees hundreds of people while he is there as a dermatologist and although the folks that he knows there knew he was coming this time for fun, they talked him into doing an ad hoc clinic anyway.
I really enjoyed Jamaica, Treasure Beach and the Calabash Festival. I left my computer at home by design and forgot my phone in my car at the airport parking lot (by accident) so I was chillin' big time for the 4 days we were there.
Here are a few images from the festival and the beautiful area that it was held in.
I have had a website for over 20 years.. delargy.com. It was a place to chronicle family stuff and photos of our travel, local and global. As I got more and more into photography and social media took over the web, it became clear that I needed to have a web site specifically for my photography endeavors and one that I could update easily. The old website isn't easy to update anymore and it looks like it is from the 80's.
I will try to post here along with FB , Instagram, 500px, etc what my most recent photo adventures are. I will also try to use this platform to give a more detailed backstory to some of the images and perhaps even some tutorial content eventually. By the time I publish this I hope to have a few blog posts to get the ball rolling.
The two I am thinking about are from my recent trip to Jamaica for the Calabash Literary Festival and my trip in May to California for the Sony Kando event.
For those of you who have asked about purchasing prints, I do hope to be able to sell prints through this website and hopefully the prices will be fair. Usually the photographer gets a small cut as the printer does the heavy work AFTER the image has been created of course ;)
I hope you will enjoy viewing my photography as much as I enjoy doing it. Let me know your thoughts.